Explainer and presentations

Throughout my career, I took special liking to the explainers and presentations. My tools of trade are AfterEffects and PowerPoint (Keynote as well).

YEAR 2013 - 2022


Most of the videos shown here I developed from scratch. Skinny briefing, general idea, maybe a logo and some other branding elements were included, but I took over the tasks of creating the story and defining the journey, making storyboard and artboards, asset gathering, animation and all the changes. Branded as "one-man band" when it comes to explainers, I really do enjoy working on the.

CepiCep - Phone Marketplace

Explainer for the app/service for trading used phones. The service is active in Turkey, and works with the help of AI-powered tech, that assess the phone value based on benchmarks and photos. Not an easy message to communicate to the focus group, so an explainer was needed to simplify the process and make it more... fun :)


Infographic that was submitted for award consideration for Deutsche Bank news portal's online campaign that was related to the US elections. This infographic explains that estimates were made in all 3 cases of outcome - and campaign creatives were made in all 3 cases. The campaign went live a few minutes after declaration of the results, and they did list how this increased their impressions and reactions.


Case study on Christ Jewellery of how the multi-channel campaign combined with AI-powered software improved their business.


Video (and interactive website) that was submitted to the SOMOBORAC awards for digital marketing - inspired by Super Mario Bros game, showcasing what were the results and campaigns for a leading coffee brand in Serbia. It secured the first prize for them. As for me... I got a spouse and a cat out of it. It's quite the wholesome story :) 


Showcase and explanation of how this ad tracking service operates, how it gathers data, and how it can improve upon the ongoing campaigns. It also goes into details with dashboard and what each section represents.


I was tasked with creating showreel that would show what services the agency offers, focusing on my work with the agency and video production. Most of the projects here had my involvement in both handling the channel-wide production and creative conceptions.

YEAR 2013 - 2019


Below is a selection of company presentations I did over the years with various clients. I first started making pitch presentations, advancing to corporate company-wide templates, multinational presentations and business plans. Due to the nature of the presentations and the confidentiality - I am featuring only the presentations that were made public.


Powerpoint Presentation featured on the LED screen on the Kick Off Event for Heineken & Coca-Cola. It was meant to show on a company wide scale what was done in year 2017, and what was to be expected for 2018.


Animated powerpoint presentation that shows the flow of the app, and all the possibilities of the app, how it connects to social media, and the objectives of this history gamification app project.


Company behind some top tier Serbian and US restaurants needed PowerPoint portfolio brochure, one that depicts their mastery at work. Using various multimedia and tricks up my sleeve, I managed to produce this presentation which they jokingly named as a "love letter to their restaurants".


Presentation for how the hiring works at Globuzzer - globetrotter social network - explaining each step of the journey in a simple infographic style.